Mushtarak Lafzhi Analysis of  نظر and its Derivation in Al-Qur’an


  • Sandi Aryawan Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Author
  • Dedi Wahyudi Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Author
  • Muhammad Ibnu Pamungkas Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Author
  • Ahmed Khalid Mohammad University of Anbar Author


Al-Qur’an, mushtarak lafzi, nazara, Roman Jakobson,


The Qur'an is a book revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabic language. Arabic was chosen as the language of the Qur'an not only because the Prophet Muhammad was Arab, but also because Arabic has special qualities compared to other languages. According to Ibn Kathir, Arabic is the clearest, most extensive, most eloquent language, and it provides a sense of peace when spoken. Like other languages that experience the phenomenon of a word having multiple meanings, Arabic also has this feature, known as mushtarak lafzi. Mushtarak lafzi creates ambiguity in meanings, making interpretation challenging. Based on this background, this research examines the mushtarak lafzi of the word نظر in the Qur'an. The method used in studying the word نظر is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques include literature study, and the analysis is conducted using semiotic analysis based on Roman Jakobson's semiotic theory. The results of this research show that the word نظر has seven meanings in the Qur'an: to see, to witness, to wait, to observe, to consider, to think, and to view. Similar research has been conducted by Muhammad Ridfan in his thesis titled "The Meanings of the Words Nazara, Basara, and Ra’a in the Qur'an." However, his research focuses on comparing the meanings of the words نظر with رأي and بصر, whereas this study examines the word نظر in terms of its usage to indicate one of its meanings in a specific verse.


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